European Styled (uPVC) Double Glazing - What is it?

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European Styled (uPVC) Double Glazed Windows

We're thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking addition to our product lineup - European Styled (uPVC) Double Glazed windows. These remarkable innovations are designed to elevate building projects to new heights of excellence.

  • Up to 62% better sound insulation than conventional windows. Reducing noise by up to 47 decibels.
  • Natural Light improving your standard of living.
  • Available in different configurations and colours to suit your personal style.
  • Reduce your home's energy consumption.
  • Bushfire - BAL 40 rated for all JG King Homes Windows and Doors.
  • 10 Year Warranty

Double glazed windows are also known as double-pane windows or insulated windows.

In simple terms, double glazing comprises of two separate glass panes bonded together by a spacer, making the windows to a total thickness of 24mm. The gap is then sealed and acts as a break between the inside and outside pieces of glass.

Benefits of European Styled Double Glazed Windows

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Save money from day 1!

Our windows and doors aren't just about style; they are about serious savings. Engineered for superior thermal insulation, they reduce your energy costs and create a cosier home from the day you move into your new home. By choosing us, you're investing in sustainability without sacrificing performance.

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Tailored to Your Tastes!

Your home is a reflection of your unique vision. Our customisation options allow you to tailor your windows and doors to match your project's specific requirements. Choose what suits you best and enjoy spaces that are both stylish and functional.